We need your help
We rely on donations to run the project. Can you help with any of the below?
Any size donation is greatly received.
Please drop off donations each Wednesday to Thornaby Methodist Church from 11.00am - 12.30pm and 2.30pm-4.30pm.
If these times are not suitable, please contact us via email or Facebook to arrange an alternative.
We also have a food donation container in Asda, Thornaby and Tesco, Ingleby Barwick. (This is shared with Thornaby Food Bank).
Tinned food (all kinds savoury and sweet),
Pasta, rice, jars of sauces (eg: bolognaise)
Cereal, dilute juice, jam, spreads
Packet mash, noodles
Bread rolls (vacuum packet)
Cakes, biscuits, crisps, chocolate bars, sweets
Long life milk
Toilet rolls, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products,
soap and washing powder.
Other essential items
Requests are posted on our Facebook page, when needed
Seasonal items
Easter eggs, Christmas treats, school uniforms
Donations can be made via
PayPal: salvationproject@outlook.com
or Bank details provided on request.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is reclaimed by Salvation Project from the tax that UK residents who have donated to the charity have paid in the current tax year. For every £100.00 donated by a 20% taxpayer, we can claim £25.00 in Gift Aid (this being 20% of £125).
Please contact us by email at salvationproject@outlook.com for a form to allow us to reclaim the tax.
Charity registered in England & Wales No. 1196111
Food Donation Container located in Asda, Thornaby and Tesco, Ingleby Barwick.